January to September 2024 Statistics

Photo obtained through Access to Information

December 2024
The third horse slaughter quarterly report for 2024 has been released by
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, covering the January to September time

It is troubling to see that the number of horses exported for slaughter from
Canada to Japan and the number of horses imported for slaughter from the
United States increased over the same period last year. Horse meat exports,
however, decreased. 

Live Horse Exports for Slaughter (section outlined in red in the charts below) –
2,563 horses, which represents a 48.7 % increase
US Horse Imports for Slaughter (outlined in blue) – 1,949 horses, an increase of
Horse Meat Exports (outlined in orange) – 1,101 metric tonnes, a 33.7% decrease

According to Statistics Canada, during this time period the countries importing horse meat from Canada were led once again by Japan followed by the United States (Nebraska and Texas), Switzerland and Germany.

Source Statistics Canada

Source Statistics Canada

Source Statistics Canada

The most recent horse slaughter statistics will be posted in the Stats section on our website, as they become available.

For more information about horse slaughter in Canada, including Access to Information reportsInvestigations, our Blog and more, please visit our website.The New to Horse Slaughter page may be especially helpful and of interest to those just learning about the issue.

If you are interested in receiving our newsletter, just scroll down to the bottom of our website’s home page and fill in your information to get started.

Questions? Please write to us! info@defendhorsescanada.org

Questions? Please write to us! info@defendhorsescanada.org

January to June 2024 Statistics

The second horse slaughter quarterly report for 2024 has been released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, covering the January to June time period.

Exports of horse meat decreased; however, the number of horses exported for slaughter from Canada to Japan and the number of horses imported for slaughter from the United States increased over the same period last year. 

  • Live Horse Exports for Slaughter (section outlined in red in the charts below) – 2,233 horses, which represents a 60.2% increase
  • US Horse Imports for Slaughter(outlined in blue) – 1,236 horses, an increase of 12.5%
  • Horse Meat Exports(outlined in orange) – 788 metric tonnes, a 37% decrease

According to Statistics Canada, during this time period the countries importing horse meat from Canada were led once again by Japan followed by the United States (Nebraska and Texas), Switzerland and Germany.

Source: Statistics Canada

Source: Statistics Canada

Source: Statistics Canada

The most recent horse slaughter statistics will be posted in the Stats section on our website, as they become available.

For more information about horse slaughter in Canada, including Access to Information reportsInvestigations, our Blog and more, please visit our website.

The New to Horse Slaughter page may be especially helpful and of interest to those just learning about the issue.

If you are interested in receiving our newsletter, just scroll down to the bottom of our website’s home page and fill in your information to get started.

Questions? Please write to us! info@defendhorsescanada.org

January - March 2024

The first horse slaughter figures for 2024 have been released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, covering the January to March time period.

Compared to the same period the previous year, there was a large increase in the number of horses exported from Canada to Japan for slaughter, a slight increase in the number of horses imported from the United States for slaughter and a substantial decrease in horse meat exports.

  • Live Horse Exports for Slaughter (section outlined in red in the charts below) – 1,264 horses, which represents a 40.6% increase 
  • US Horse Imports for Slaughter(outlined in blue) – 590 horses, an increase of 0.9%
  • Horse Meat Exports(outlined in orange) – 402 metric tonnes, a 41.9% decrease

According to Statistics Canada, Japan once again led the list of countries importing horse meat from Canada during this time period, followed by the United States (Nebraska), Switzerland and Germany.

The most recent horse slaughter statistics will be posted in the Stats section on our website, as they become available.

For more information about horse slaughter in Canada, including Access to Information reportsInvestigations, our Blog and more, please visit our website.

The New to Horse Slaughter page may be especially helpful and of interest to those just learning about the issue.

If you are interested in receiving our newsletter, just scroll down to the bottom of our website’s home page and fill in your information to get started.

Questions? Please write to us! info@defendhorsescanada.org

Horse Slaughter Statistics

January to December, 2023

March, 2024

The final horse slaughter quarterly report for 2023 has been released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, covering the January to December time period.

Compared to the same period the previous year, there was a decrease in the number of horses exported from Canada to Japan for slaughter, a decrease in the number of horses imported from the United States for slaughter and a decrease in horse meat exports.

  • Live Horse Exports for Slaughter (section outlined in red in the charts below) – 2,513 horses, which represents a 2.6 % decrease
  • US Horse Imports for Slaughter (outlined in blue) – 2,373 horses, decreaseof 34.6 %
  • Horse Meat Exports (outlined in orange) – 2,155 metric tonnes, a 6.3 % decrease

According to Statistics Canada, Japan once again led the list of countries importing horse meat from Canada during this time period, followed by the United States (Nebraska and Texas), Switzerland, France, Viet Nam and Germany.

The most recent horse slaughter statistics will be posted in the Stats section on our website, as they become available.

For more information about horse slaughter in Canada, including Access to Information reportsInvestigations, our Blog and more, please visit our website.

The New to Horse Slaughter page may be especially helpful and of interest to those just learning about the issue.

If you are interested in receiving our newsletter, just scroll down to the bottom of our website’s home page and fill in your information to get started.

Questions?  Please write to us at info@defendhorsescanada.org

December, 2023

The third horse slaughter quarterly report for 2023 has been released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, covering the January to September time period.
Compared to the same period last year, there has been a decrease in the number of horses exported from Canada to Japan for slaughter and in the number of horses imported from the United States for slaughter.
An increase was reported for horse meat exports.

  • Live Horse Exports for Slaughter (section outlined in red in the charts below) – 1,724 horses, which represents an 8.8% decrease.
  • US Horse Imports for Slaughter (outlined in blue) – 1,699 horses, a decrease of 39.9 %.
  • Horse Meat Exports (outlined in orange) – 1,655 metric tonnes, a 54.7 % increase.

According to Statistics Canada, Japan once again led the list of countries importing horse meat from Canada during this time period, followed by the United States (Nebraska), Switzerland and France.

Source: Statistics Canada

From July to September, horse meat was exported from Alberta to Japan, the United States (Nebraska), Switzerland, and France while horse meat from Quebec was exported to Japan, the United States (Nebraska), and France.

Source: Statistics Canada

Source: Statistics Canada

The most recent horse slaughter statistics are posted in the Stats section on our website, as they become available. For more information about horse slaughter in Canada, including Access to Information reports, Investigations, our Blog and more, please visit our website.
The New to Horse Slaughter page may be especially helpful and of interest to those just learning about the issue. If you are interested in receiving our newsletter, just scroll down to the bottom of our website’s home page and fill in your information to get started.
Questions?  Please write to us at info@defendhorsescanada.org

October, 2023

The second horse slaughter quarterly report for 2023 has been released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, covering the January to June time period.

Compared to the same period last year, there has been an increase in the number of horses exported from Canada to Japan for slaughter and a decrease in the number of horses imported from the United States for slaughter. An increase was reported for horse meat exports.

  • Live Horse Exports for Slaughter (section outlined in red in the charts below) – 1,394 horses, which represents an 5 % increase,

  • Fewer horses were exported for slaughter in the April – June time period than in the previous three months:

    January to March: 899 horses
    April to June:        495 horses

  • US Horse Imports for Slaughter(outlined in blue) – 1,099 horses, decrease of 36.9 %.
  • Horse Meat Exports(outlined in orange) – 1,245 metric tonnes, a 4% increase.

According to Statistics Canada, Japan once again led the list of countries importing horse meat from Canada during this time period, followed the United States (Nebraska), Switzerland and France.

The most recent horse slaughter statistics will be posted in the Stats section on our website, as they become available.

For more information about horse slaughter in Canada, including Access to Information reportsInvestigations, our Blog and more, please visit our website.

The New to Horse Slaughter page may be especially helpful and of interest to those just learning about the issue.

If you are interested in receiving our newsletter, just scroll down to the bottom of our website’s home page and fill in your information to get started.

Questions?  Please write to us at info@defendhorsescanada.org

June, 2023

The first horse slaughter quarterly report for 2023 has been released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, covering the January to March time period.

Compared to the same period last year, there has been an increase in the number of horses exported from Canada to Japan for slaughter and a decrease in the number of horses imported from the United States for slaughter. An increase was reported for horse meat exports.

  • Live Horse Exports for Slaughter (section outlined in red in the charts below) – 899 horses, which represents an 30.3 % increase
  • US Horse Imports for Slaughter (outlined in blue) – 598 horses, decreaseof 34.1 %
  • Horse Meat Exports (outlined in orange) – 692 metric tonnes, a 8 % increase

According to Statistics Canada, Japan once again led the list of countries importing horse meat from Canada during this time period, followed the United States (Nebraska), Switzerland and France.

The most recent horse slaughter statistics will be posted in the Stats section on our website, as they become available.

For more information about horse slaughter in Canada, including Access to Information reportsInvestigations, our Blog and more, please visit our website.

The New to Horse Slaughter page may be especially helpful and of interest to those just learning about the issue.

If you are interested in receiving our newsletter, just scroll down to the bottom of our website’s home page and fill in your information to get started.

Questions?  Please write to us at info@defendhorsescanada.org

HORSE SLAUGHTER STATISTICS January to December, 2022

April, 2023

The final quarterly horse slaughter report for 2022 has been released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and covers the January to December time period of that year.

Compared to the same period last year, there has been an increase in the number of horses exported from Canada to Japan for slaughter;  a decrease was reported for horse meat exports and horses imported from the United States for slaughter.

  • Live Horse Exports for Slaughter (section outlined in red in the charts below) –2,579 horses, which represents an 8%increase
  • US Horse Imports for Slaughter(outlined in blue) – 3,627 horses, a decrease of 29.4%
  • Horse Meat Exports(outlined in orange) – 2,300 metric tonnes, a7% decrease

Japan was the largest importer of horse meat from Canada, followed the United States (Nebraska), Switzerland, France, Italy, Luxembourg and China.

Horse slaughter statistics are posted in the Stats section on our website, as they become available.

For more information about horse slaughter in Canada, including Access to Information reportsInvestigations, our Blog and more, please visit our website.

The New to Horse Slaughter page may be especially helpful and of interest to those just learning about the issue.

If you are interested in receiving our newsletter, just scroll down to the bottom of our website’s home page and fill in your information to get started.

Questions?  Please write to us at info@defendhorsescanada.org

HORSE SLAUGHTER STATISTICS January to September, 2022

January, 2023

The most recent horse slaughter quarterly report for 2022 has been released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and covers the January to September time period of that year.

Compared to the same period last year, there has been an increase in the number of horses exported from Canada to Japan for slaughter;  a decrease was reported for horse meat exports and horses imported from the United States for slaughter.

  • Live Horse Exports for Slaughter (section outlined in red in the charts below) – 1,891 horses, which represents an 11% increase
  • US Horse Imports for Slaughter (outlined in blue) – 2,829 horses, a decreaseof 27.3%
  • Horse Meat Exports (outlined in orange) – 1,659 metric tonnes, a decrease of 26.9%

According to Statistics Canada, Japan once again led the list of countries importing horse meat from Canada during this time period, followed the United States (Nebraska), Switzerland, France, Italy, Luxembourg and China.

The most recent horse slaughter statistics will be posted in the Stats section on our website, as they become available.

For more information about horse slaughter in Canada, including Access to Information reportsInvestigations, our Blog and more, please visit our website.

The New to Horse Slaughter page may be especially helpful and of interest to those just learning about the issue.

If you are interested in receiving our newsletter, just scroll down to the bottom of our website’s home page and fill in your information to get started.

Questions?  Please write to us at info@defendhorsescanada.org


September 2022

The most recent horse slaughter quarterly report for 2022 has been released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and covers the January to June time period of that year.

Compared to the same period last year, there has been a decrease in the number of horses exported from Canada to Japan for slaughter as well as a decrease in horse meat exports and horses imported from the United States for slaughter.

  • Live Horse Exports for Slaughter (section outlined in red in the charts below) – 1,374 horses, which represents an 8.8% decrease
  • US Horse Imports for Slaughter (outlined in blue) – 1,742 horses, a decrease of 37.8%
  • Horse Meat Exports (outlined in orange) – 1,069 metric tonnes, a decrease of 33.8%

According to Statistics Canada, Japan once again led the list of countries importing horse meat from Canada during this time period, followed by the United States (Nebraska), Switzerland, France, Italy and Luxembourg.

The most recent horse slaughter statistics will be posted in the Stats section on our website, as they become available.

For more information about horse slaughter in Canada, including Access to Information reportsInvestigations, our Blog and more please visit our website. The New to Horse Slaughter page may be especially helpful and of interest to those just learning about the issue.

If you are interested in receiving our newsletter, just scroll down to the bottom of our website’s home page and fill in your information to get started.

Questions?  Please write to us at info@defendhorsescanada.org


July 2022

The most recent horse slaughter quarterly report for 2022 has been released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and covers the January to March time period of that year.

Compared to the same period last year, there has been a decrease in the number of horses exported from Canada to Japan for slaughter as well as a decrease in horse meat exports and horses imported from the United States for slaughter.

  • Live Horse Exports for Slaughter (section outlined in red in the charts below) – 690 horses, which represents a 23.2% decrease
  • US Horse Imports for Slaughter (outlined in blue) – 907 horses, a decrease of 41.3%
  • Horse Meat Exports (outlined in orange) – 474 metric tonnes, a decrease of 43.0%

During this time period the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) suspended the Safe Food for Canadians (SFC) licence of Bouvry Exports Calgary Ltd., in Fort Macleod, Alberta, on February 17, 2022. https://bit.ly/3z0dphY

This undoubtedly played a role in the reduced number of horses imported from the United States for slaughter and quantity of horse meat exported. Their license was reinstated on April 8, 2022.

According to Statistics Canada, Japan led the list of countries importing horse meat from Canada during this time period, followed by the United States (Nebraska), Switzerland, France, Italy and Luxembourg.

The most recent horse slaughter statistics will be posted in the Resources section on our website, as they become available.


For more information about horse slaughter in Canada, including Access to Information reportsInvestigations, our Blog and more please visit our website. The New to Horse Slaughter page may be especially helpful and of interest to those just learning about the issue.


If you are interested in receiving our newsletter, just scroll down to the bottom of our website’s home page and fill in your information to get started.


Questions?  Please write to us at info@defendhorsescanada.org


HORSE SLAUGHTER STATISTICS January to December, 2021

The most recent horse slaughter quarterly report for 2021 has been released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, ending in December of that year.

Compared to the same period last year, there has been an increase in the number of horses exported from Canada to Japan for slaughter, a decrease in horse meat exports and horses imported from the United States for slaughter.

  • Live Horse Exports for Slaughter (section outlined in red) – 1,902 horses, which represents an 11.4% increase
  • US Horse Imports for Slaughter (outlined in blue) – 5,139 horses, a decrease of 25.7%
  • Horse Meat Exports (outlined in orange) –decreased by 33.4%

According to Statistics Canada, Japan led the list of countries importing horse meat from Canada during this time period, followed by the United States (Nebraska), France, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg and New Zealand.

The most recent horse slaughter statistics will be posted in the Resources section on our website, as they become available.


For more information about horse slaughter in Canada, including Access to Information reportsInvestigations, our Blog and more please visit our website. The New to Horse Slaughter page may be especially helpful and of interest to those just learning about the issue.


If you are interested in receiving our newsletter, just scroll down to the bottom of our website’s home page and fill in your information to get started.


Questions?  Please write to us at info@defendhorsescanada.org

HORSE SLAUGHTER STATISTICS January to September, 2021

The most recent horse slaughter quarterly report has been released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, ending in September, 2021.

Compared to the same period last year there has been a significant increase in the number of horses exported to Japan for slaughter, a decrease in horse meat exports and horses imported from the United States for slaughter.

  • Live horse exports for slaughter (section outlined in red) – 1,506 horses, which represents a 8% increase
  • US horse imports for slaughter (outlined in blue) – 3,889 horses, a decrease of 4%
  • Horse meat exports (outlined in orange) – decreased by 31.1%

According to Statistics Canada, Japan led the list of countries importing horse meat from Canada during this time period, followed by the United States (Nebraska), France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany and New Zealand.

The most recent horse slaughter statistics will be posted in the Resources section on our website, as they become available.

For more information about horse slaughter in Canada, including Access to Information reports, Investigations, our Blog and more please visit our website. The New to Horse Slaughter page may be especially helpful and of interest to those just learning about the issue.

If you are interested in receiving our newsletter, just scroll down to the bottom of our website’s home page and fill in your information to get started.

Questions?  Please write to us at info@defendhorsescanada.org 


The latest horse slaughter quarterly report has been released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, ending in March, 2021. 

Compared to the same period last year there has been a significant increase in the number of horses exported to Japan for slaughter, a decrease in horse meat exports and horses imported from the United States for slaughter.

Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

  • Live horse exports for slaughter (section outlined in red) – 800 horses, which represents a 67% increase
  • US horse imports for slaughter(outlined in blue) – 1,544 horses, a decrease of 30.6%
  • Horse meat exports (outlined in orange) – decreased by 38.3%

According to Statistics Canada, Japan led the list of countries importing horse meat from Canada in 2020, followed by France, Switzerland, the United States (Nevada and Texas), Belgium, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Sweden and Italy.

The most recent horse slaughter statistics will be posted on our Resources page as they become available. For more information about horse slaughter in Canada, please visit the New to Horse Slaughter page on our website