Here we’ll have resources that you can download and use to educate others on the perils of horse slaughter.

This flyer contains general information on horse slaughter in Canada today.
Auctions are the gateway to slaughter. Kill buyers attend low end auctions and pay for horses by the pound to fulfill their contracts with the Bouvry slaughterhouse in Fort MacLeod Alberta. This flyer contains information on ways of keeping your horse from going to auction.
Download this flyer and hand out or post everywhere.

JANUARY TO MARCH, 2021 The latest horse slaughter quarterly report has been released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, ending in March, 2021.
Compared to the same period last year there has been a significant increase in the number of horses exported to Japan for slaughter, a decrease in horse meat exports and horses imported from the United States for slaughter.

- Live horse exports for slaughter (section outlined in red) – 800 horses, which represents a 67% increase
- US horse imports for slaughter(outlined in blue) – 1,544 horses, a decrease of 30.6%
- Horse meat exports (outlined in orange) – decreased by 38.3%
According to Statistics Canada, Japan led the list of countries importing horse meat from Canada in 2020, followed by France, Switzerland, the United States (Nevada and Texas), Belgium, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Sweden and Italy.

The most recent horse slaughter statistics will be posted on our Blog page as they become available. For more information about horse slaughter in Canada, please visit the New to Horse Slaughter page on our website