Photo obtained through Access to Information

December 2024

The third horse slaughter quarterly report for 2024 has been released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, covering the January to September time period.

It is troubling to see that the number of horses exported for slaughter from Canada to Japan and the number of horses imported for slaughter from the United States increased over the same period last year. Horse meat exports, however, decreased. 

Live Horse Exports for Slaughter (section outlined in red in the charts below) – 2,563 horses, which represents a 48.7 % increase

US Horse Imports for Slaughter (outlined in blue) – 1,949 horses, an increase of 19.4%

Horse Meat Exports (outlined in orange) – 1,101 metric tonnes, a 33.7% decrease

According to Statistics Canada, during this time period the countries importing horse meat from Canada were led once again by Japan followed by the United States (Nebraska and Texas), Switzerland and Germany.

Source Statistics Canada

Source Statistics Canada

Source Statistics Canada

The most recent horse slaughter statistics will be posted in the Stats section on our website, as they become available.

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