January 7, 2025
Parliament is prorogued until March 24, 2025. Fortunately, Private Members’ Bills are not affected by prorogation of government. https://www.ourcommons.ca/procedure/procedure-and-practice-3/ch_21_10-e.html However, we realize the fragility of PMBs, which must go through an onerous process (most don’t become law) and are dependent on so many factors. Even a directive from the Prime Minister and years of work by Members of Parliament, animal protection organizations and our dedicated supporters, have so far failed to sweep this bill into legislation.
We can continue to lobby Canadian Senators to pass Bill C-355 without delay when they meet again in March. If they act quickly enough, it may be possible for Bill C-355 to become law before an election is called and the government changes hands.
We thank everyone who has written letters, signed petitions, rallied their communities and thrown heart and soul into supporting Bill C-355. We thank MP Tim Louis for launching this initiative, and all of the MPs who spoke out in favour of the bill. We thank our patron, Jann Arden, for her commitment to ending the cruel exports and for her indomitable #horseshit campaign.
We will find a way to end the exports. Whatever it takes. We won’t let cruelty have the last laugh.
We won’t let the bad guys win.