Our relentless patron Jann Arden has initiated parliamentary petition e-4190 to put pressure on the Canadian government to end the cruel exports of live horses to Japan for slaughter. Her goal is 100,000 signatures at least by February 7, 2023, when the petition expires. Petition e-4190 is sponsored by MP Alistair MacGregor.

On behalf of Jann and the horses, we have a simple request:

We know that you have signed the petition and have shared it with your contacts on social media.There is one more action that you can take that could make all the difference!

Many residents of your local communities are likely unaware of the inhumane, deadly horse exports. Would you help to inform them? Can you take the time to write a short letter to the editors of your local papers/online news outlets, directing people to sign Jann’s petition? 

For more information and to sign petition e-4190, people can be asked to visit Jann’s website, https://horseshit.ca/. The petition button appears on the home page.

Please do this for Jann and the horses she works so hard to protect! Help her petition go viral!

Thank you,

Your friends at CHDC