August 2022


Since our inception a decade and a half ago, we have had enquiries (and occasional criticism) about where our money goes and why we don’t provide more funding for rescues. Most of this information can be found on our website and blog, but at this time we wish to reiterate that we
are primarily a lobby and educational organization. The mandate of the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition is to stop the slaughter or horses as well as their export to other countries for slaughter. We strive to make changes in government legislation to ultimately alter the course
of – and obliterate – horse slaughter from our shores. It’s a long process and it is not inexpensive. Lawyers and lobbying come with a
cost. Through the generosity of Jann Arden and our mutual #horseshit campaign, we are able to give to approved rescues from the donations that
this single campaign has raised.  We thank Jann, our patron, from the bottom of our hearts for teaming with us and allowing this to happen. 
With these funds, we have been able to help struggling rescues provide veterinary aid and feed for their horses.  
Over recent months, we have seen an increase in numbers of horse rescue facilities and sanctuaries. This is a very positive development and we applaud the interest in salvaging horses from the slaughter pipeline as well as efforts that are being made to meet their ongoing needs. 
However, as we often do not know the individuals launching new rescue missions, going forward we will ask the following of any
rescues/sanctuaries that apply for funds from CHDC and the #horseshit campaign. These simple requirements must be met before funding can be allocated. It is also important to keep in mind that monetary help from our campaign is dependent upon contributions from the public and will be donated to suitable applicants only as funds permit.  

1.  Provide a detailed description of your rescue, including board of directors if applicable, experience, years in business.
2.  Provide the names of your veterinarian, farrier and feed supplier in order that we may contact them as a means to verify legitimacy.
3.  Provide a detailed plan of how you envision raising funds for your rescue going forward. (Note: this is very important. We want to know 
that your goals are sustainable.)

If you would like to donate to the CHDC in the future, please state whether you prefer your donation to be directed to our lobbying efforts or
to rescue initiatives.

Thank you,
The Directors of the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition